Experiment results: what can human managers tell an artificial manager about their work? Part 1

Today I am starting a series of posts in which I will present my research to date on the work of managers and the search for an answer to the fundamental question: what do managers really do? As I have written many times before, the lack of such an answer is one of the main reasons that we can’t buy an artificial manager for the company like we buy a coffee machine. Over the past 10 years, I have conducted

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Could an artificial manager look just like this?

I have always been fascinated by robots of all kinds, from LEGO robots to more sophisticated devices built on programmable circuits and microcontrollers. When I started working on the topic of automating the work of a manager, I had to put aside considerations of the physicality of an artificial manager and deal first with the theory that would allow this robot to be built (System of Organizational Terms), and then with software that records the work of a human manager

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Salim Ismail: How will artificial intelligence change business management?

The channel of entrepreneur and author of the book “The Future Is Closer Than We Think,” Peter H. Diamandis, features a number of interesting interviews on technology, business management and the changes that await us in the coming years due to the development of artificial intelligence. Quite recently, this channel featured an interview with Salim Ismail on management changes, when artificial intelligence will prove to be a force difficult for human managers to ignore. I thought to myself, “Finally, about

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The world after ChatGPT: which professions will be quickly replaced by artificial intelligence?

For several months now, there has been an ongoing discussion about what effects the spread of artificial intelligence, which is identified with Chat GPT thanks to the company OpenAI, will have on societies. At the beginning of the creation of this blog, I cited an article from 2016, where several hundred scientists commented on their predictions for how artificial intelligence would replace humans in particular professions. A few months after that post, I have two observations. First, back in January

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How does a managerial tool record individual managerial activities? Part 2

In previous posts, I showed how to build a managerial tool that is also a measurement tool that records the managerial activities undertaken by a human manager. Why should this be done? To find out what the manager actually does and then reproduce his activities – to create the first version of the artificial manager. Now I will summarize the article in which I described the results of 3 experiments involving students who solved a project planning task with the

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