You have an idea for a business: how much will you pay employees?

When thinking about a company of several people, you need to answer the question: is it worth it to look for partners who will bring in start-up capital and work for the company, or is it better to start an individual business and hire employees. This is not an easy question, although hiring employees is a big cost for your business. Below I show an example of hiring Anna Kowalska as an assistant in Nowak’s company under various forms of

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You have an idea for a business: how should you build an organizational structure?

Every company, even with a dozen or so employees, should have an organizational structure where employees can find their position and see who is responsible for what and to whom. An organizational structure consists of an organizational chart and job descriptions. I will briefly introduce you to these two issues that you need to think about before starting a company. First – job description Each of the anticipated associates or employees should have clearly defined four characteristics: The above features

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You have an idea for a business: why do you need to think about organizational structure?

Hiring employees is a big cost for Nowak. If, on the other hand, he wants to set up a company, he has to share the profit earned with the partners. In both cases you will need a good organization of work and division of tasks When constructing a business plan for a venture, you must not only plan the products, how to inform customers about them, your mission and your suppliers, but also the organization inside the company. If he

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You have an idea for a business: how should it identify substitutes?

Porter’s analysis still requires thinking about two elements of the market – buyers and substitutes that may threaten your business. I already wrote about buyers a few posts ago. I’ll remind you that it’s about market segmentation, that is, isolating who will be the buyers of your company’s products or services. If at this stage of business planning you have already specified a group of key customers. You can further characterize them by three characteristics: their number, the degree of

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You have an idea for a business: how should you identify competitors?

In the previous post, we analyzed suppliers. Now it’s time to look at competitors, those who are already in the sector and those who may yet to emerge. Why should you also look for the latter, who are not actually in the sector yet? Sometimes their appearance suddenly changes the conduct of business in the entire sector. An example of this is Apple, which in 2007 began selling a strange phone – a smartphone – that turned out to be

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