How will artificial intelligence affect the education of young people?

When ChatGPT came out, everyone started wondering how artificial intelligence would affect the education of young generations. Its impact will certainly be huge, from the fact that we no longer really know what content is created by humans and what content is created by AI, to taking work away from teachers and lecturers. I myself see several phenomena here that will increase over time and the emergence of more versions of artificial intelligence. As I write this, I assume that

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What was the book in my childhood that caused me to construct an artificial manager?

People who are passionate about something tell many stories from their childhood or youth in which they cite events, books, people that inspired their later professional life. I, too, have a few such moments. As for the book, there was only one. And perhaps I wouldn’t have even paid attention to it, if it hadn’t been for a certain person who, listening to my childhood story, said: it was you after all! That’s how it started! The book was written

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What are the levels of artificial intelligence to be applied to an artificial manager?

When I was a kid, I really wanted to build a robot that would drive around the house fetch objects, grab a ball or respond to spoken words. All these abilities were absolutely beyond the reach of home electronics and mechanics. I built electronics from a schematic from the Young Technician magazine, and mechanics from LEGO bricks. At that time there was no Internet or cell phones, not to mention Google or Apple assistants. Several decades have passed, and today

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The dawn of the war of artificial intelligences? Which one wins at the start?

In a previous post, I showed a video on the development of artificial intelligence, which is represented by Open AI’s ChatGPT. Behind it is the immortal Microsoft, which has long been prophesied that with its Windows it will not survive the next clashes with macOS, Android or will fall in comparison with the office tools provided online by Google. None of these things have happened. On desktop or laptop computers, Windows is still the world’s main operating system. Microsoft systems

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Which company lasts forever, considering the lifespan of the IT industry?

In previous blog posts, I have shown the opinions of managers of various companies developing mechanisms based of GPT, namely Sam Altan, Elon Musk and Mo Gawdat. Each of the companies represented by these managers has a different philosophy regarding artificial intelligence. They will see the future of the IT industry differently, especially the threats and opportunities of artificial intelligence development. From these opinions, we can see that a great race has just begun as to who will be the

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