Experimental results: will the artificial manager have a cultural identity?

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I have already described the use of the system of organizational terms to measure what a manager really does, and consequently to build an artificial manager, in previous blog posts. Of course, the organizational size system itself is a methodological concept for how to study what a manager does. You still need managerial tools as measurement tools.

I use TransistorsHead.com’s managerial tools in my studies of managers, but for the purpose of studying cultural identity, I made a small measurement tool I called NoteToday, shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: NoteToday tool

Each participant in the study used this online tool to record their reflections on a given topic. None of the reflections were deleted, and all attempts to record reflections on the participant’s cultural identity were recorded in the database. On the ground of this study, a sequence of thought processes was recorded to recognize how reflections on cultural identity emerged over time, developed and shaped into a final version.

The study was conducted at a university in southern Finland, in the fall semester of 2018. The participants were students in the International Business Communication course taught to 120 first-year undergraduate students majoring in international business. 52 of them took part in the survey.

In the survey, I obtained the participants’ “train of thought” about their cultural identity, so it was possible to distinguish certain elements of cultural identity, such as rituals, symbols, myths, language, physical living conditions and artifacts. Thus, it is possible to create a kind of avatar of each person consisting of these parameters and give them a certain cultural identity.

Such a cultural identity can be given to a robot manager to distinguish certain characteristic elements associated with a particular human being in his behavior. Then the question of whether we can buy ourselves a Steve Jobs may become relevant, but not only in terms of his management techniques, but his personality trait and cultural identity.

You can read the results of my research in this article:

Flak, O., System Of Organizational Terms as a Theoretical Foundation Of Cultural Identity Research