Experimental results: how to use managerial tools to evaluate sound quality in film?

In 2019, with Dr. Adrian Robak, we used the organizational size system to perform an innovative study on… music. Yes! The use of the organizational magnitude system quite unusual, after all, I designed this concept to automate the work of a manager, but we decided that based on it I could build a tool for… taking notes on sound perception. That’s how Notetoday’s online tool was created, where you can jot down anything, but each note is another version of

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Experimental results: how to use managerial tools to study intercultural communication?

In a previous post, I presented the results of a study using an organizational size system and managerial tools of a phenomenon that is a management method called Design Thinking. Based on the same experiment and the same data, we decided with Dr. Anna Kimberley from the University of Helsinki (Haaga Helia University of Applied Sciences) to analyze the phenomenon of intercultural communication. It will be recalled that the participants in the study were undergraduate students from Haaga Helia University

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Experimental results: can the degree of use of Design Thinking be diagnosed using management tools?

Experimental results: can the degree of use of Design Thinking be diagnosed using management tools? In 2017, I was in Finland at Haaga Helia University of Applied Sciences, and I was able, together with Dr. Anna Kimberley, to conduct behavioral research in inter-administrative teams on the use of various management methods. One of them was also the Design Thinking methodology, which the students used to solve an organizational problem. The concept of Design Thinking emerged as a consequence of a

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Experimental results: can online managerial tools be used to measure managerial actions taken not by managers?

I will now revisit an article I already linked on the blog when I wrote about how to use TransistorsHead.com’s managerial tools to record what a manager actually does. In that post, I showed that managerial tools are also measurement tools and record managerial actions taken by the manager. You can find out what, when and how the manager performed while managing the team. See more here: Now I’m going to show you that with the help of managerial tools,

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What are the most important methodological problems that are obstacles to the automation of managerial work?

In 2017, on the basis of previous studies of managerial behavior with the help of online managerial tools on the TransistorsHead.com platform, I published an article in which I described the 5 most important such problems hindering the development of managerial automation. I would even say that they are hindering the development of management science and, by extension, the development of business. I will briefly outline these problems here, and you can find the entire article below. First, the methodological

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