Today I am starting a series of posts outlining the role of a manager tool, in constructing a manager robot. A manager tool is an extremely important part of an artificial manager. Why? You’re about to find out, but believe that you can’t build an artificial manager without manager tools. It’s like building an automatic lawn mower without the drive (wheels, motor, control), blades (grass cutting mechanism) or terrain recognition (sensors, memory, control). The same is true of managerial tools. An artificial manager simply consists of tools!
Again, it will be a little more scientific, but just so that also those in management science and engineering will not think that I came up with the concept of a managerial tool in one evening. I will add that I have created 10 management tools based on the following assumptions and you can check them out on the platform If you feel like it, email me.
To begin with, some assumptions. First, the functioning of an organization manifests itself in solving organizational problems. In this context, organizing techniques and methods are important concepts. A method is a systematized procedure to solve management problems, and an organizing technique is a way of using a management instrument [1]. Second, the techniques used a manager can cluster into a method of doing his job (management method) [2].
Third, one of the most important ways to solve organizing problems is to use instruments [3]. In doing so, an instrument in management science is defined as “a tool or measuring instrument used for an activity that requires accuracy” [4]. Thus, a managerial tool is, so to speak, detached from the person of the manager, his predisposition and ability to use management techniques and methods.
So let’s define a managerial tool. A managerial tool is an algorithmized and certain way of performing a management function, which is possible for any manager [5].
Thus, in order for a manager to successfully carry out the functions arising from the management process, appropriate tools are necessary. The term “managerial tool” will mean a simple or complex instrument that makes it possible to perform the work of a manager [6]. It is assumed that this instrument can be real (in the form of, for example, paper sheets, worksheets, tables) or virtual (for example, in the form of an IT program or databases in computer memory) [7]. Using a managerial tool, a manager can use various techniques, that is, purposeful and rational, theory-based ways of doing the work [8].
I must add that the managerial tool is part of the concept of the System of Organizational Terms. It is important to assume that management is about getting “things done” (in the original “Managing is about getting things done”) efficiently [9] and effectively [10]. This is about the meaning of “things” as defined by L. Witgeinstein captured by him in the theory of facts. These aspects, in the context of the ontology of organizational reality adopted in the organizational size system, are presented in my book “System of Organizational Terms” in Chapter 3.9.
[1] Z. Mikołajczyk: Techniki organizatorskie w rozwiązywaniu problemów zarządzania. Warszawa, PWN, 1999, s. 39.
[2] Słownik języka polskiego. Tom drugi L-P. Red. M. Szymczak. PWN, Warszawa, 1979, s. 144.
[3] K. Piłejko: Prakseologia – nauka o sprawnym działaniu. Warszawa, PWN, 1976, s. 181.
[4] T. Pszczołowski: Mała encyklopedia prakseologii i teorii organizacji. Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich – Wydawnictwo, 1978, s. 85.
[5] O. Flak: Concept of Managerial Tools Based on The System of Organizational Terms. W: Innovation in Management and Production Engineering. Red. R. Knosala. Opole, Oficyna Wydawnicza Polskiego Towarzystwa Zarządzania Produkcją, 2013, s. 195.
[6] Słownik języka polskiego. Tom drugi L-P…, s. 286.
[7] O. Flak: Rola metod ilościowych w budowaniu narzędzi menedżerskich. W: Rola informatyki w naukach ekonomicznych i społecznych. Red. K. Grysa. Zeszyty naukowe 5a, Kielce, Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa, 2007, s. 402-409.
[8] J. Penc: Leksykon biznesu. Warszawa, Agencja Wydawnicza Placet, 1997, s. 447.
[9] T. Kotarbiński: Traktat o dobrej robocie. Wrocław, Warszawa, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, 1982, s. 127-141.
[10] P.K. Chopraa, K.K. Gopal: On the Science of Management with Measurement. Total Quality Management 2011, Vol. 22 (1), s. 63.