Where will the artificial manager work?

Have you ever wondered where the artificial manager will work? Will it be a production hall, a factory full of machines and robots, or perhaps a group of people? Of course, you can imagine that the artificial manager manages other robots. However, that would be too simple. Devices working with devices is not a challenge that could change the world. So where will the artificial manager’s place of work be? Among humans. That’s why it’s worth understanding how complex and

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Managerial action, or how to integrate skills, roles and management styles to represent managerial work?

So far, I have presented three approaches to representing the work of a manager that are developing in parallel: managerial skills, managerial roles and management styles. Each of these approaches represented the manager from a different angle. But none provided an opportunity for us to answer the question – what does a manager actually do? What are the activities that he or she undertakes one after another? Managerial skills represented what a manager should be able to do. Managerial roles

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