Why hasn’t an artificial manager been invented yet in management science? Part 1

Today will be a bit more scientific, which does not mean at all that it will be difficult to understand my following post. If you want to understand why you can’t yet buy an artificial manager in a store, it’s worth your while to find out the real reasons. Perhaps you think there is a technical problem – programming, electronics or artificial intelligence – no! The reasons lie in the sciences that need to know what a real manager does,

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What are the most offbeat management tools in robot manager software? Part 2

In the previous post, I described what managerial tools a robot manager can have to solve managerial problems. The tools were based on a managerial method or technique described in the literature and sometimes (or rather rarely) used by managers. Today I will present some ideas for tools based on the history of events, that is, not being some independently existing mechanism, but working on the basis of the previous use of such a tool and the accumulation of knowledge

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What are the most offbeat management tools in robot manager software? Part 1

Many stories begin with: a long, long time ago… And I’ll start telling this story that way too. A long, long time ago, when there was no Instagram yet, and Google maps led travelers mostly into the middle of a lake, I started working on managerial tools that would complement existing managerial techniques with which managers (knowing them or just applying them intuitively) solve organizational problems. The idea was simple and I later described it in detail in the concept

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What is the world of an artificial manager made of? Part 6 – Let’s combine resources and processes

Remember what the starting point of our deliberations was in the past few days? In the first part of the topic, What the world of an artificial manager is made of, I told what sense is necessary for an artificial manager. It was a sense of activity. Other senses our new boss could have, but the most important thing is that it should be able to recognize what actions are being taken, and be able to take some action (managerial

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What is the world of an artificial manager made of? Part 5 – Events as processes

In the previous post I described what events in the world of the artificial manager are. You could call them events in the imagination, they were somewhat abstract and theoretical. Now let’s consider what these events are realistically in the world of an organization, a company, a project. I will describe here what these events can be and why we say they are processes. This will be another piece of the puzzle for you to understand how the manager’s sense

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