Boston Robotics, OpenAI Robot Neo or Tesla Optimus? See what the latest constructions from well-known companies can do

When I was a teenager, I used to construct robots from LEGO bricks, and my flagship project was a hand, movable at the wrist and with moving fingers. I could grasp a ball or a bottle with it, but I had problems controlling the motors and the precision of the movements. Those were the days of TTL digital circuits, not Arduino kits. However, there was something fascinating and at the same time very mysterious about copying nature, even with blocks.

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How not to be replaced by artificial intelligence?

In a previous post, I presented a rather positive vision of using artificial intelligence to advance civilization rather than annihilate it. Elon Musk’s tool, dubbed xAI, aims to learn the truth about the world, not to create fictional knowledge about reality, which in the future must lead to flooding the world with pap of factual news and half-truths. Yesterday I watched a fascinating interview, very long and full of interesting insights. We already know many of the applications of AI

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Will artificial intelligence according to Elon Musk be better than OpenAI?

Today I’m really doing is searching for new insights and views on the implementation of AI in our lives and in business in particular. From this review of various presentations, interviews, digests and statements, one big nightmare emerges: humanity will be annihilated and machines will take over the world. And here, suddenly, Elon Musk presented a completely different approach to the subject. In the recent history of the development of technology, say since the late 19th century, there have been

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Will artificial intelligence work against humanity? Or is it already doing so?

The next video is again a bit longer. It is a presentation by Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin on the various applications of artificial intelligence in our lives now, in the past and in the future. There are interesting conclusions about how fast ChatGPT is developing compared to the capabilities of the human mind, and how a conversation with an automaton that passes the Turing test might go. And finally, why do 50% of artificial intelligence researchers believe that there

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