How to communicate effectively within a company and why is it important?

Written by: Florian Wierzchowski The exchange of information within a company is crucial to its smooth and efficient operation. Operating a company on the basis of a lack of information, false information or at least outdated information is an unnecessarily risky activity, exposing the company to costs, sometimes even pointless, and all this despite the best intentions of everyone involved. A lack of adequate information is consequently a waste of resources – time, money, materials. And yet, it is necessary

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Why and how should tasks be delegated?

Written by: Florian Wierzchowski If you are a manager, a business owner and employ staff, then of course this topic is also most relevant. If you are a sole trader, have no employees and hence think that the topic of delegation is not for you, then I would like to lead you out of this mistake. Well, but what is delegation all about anyway? Delegation is nothing more than the skilful distribution to other people of the work needed to

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