How do you set tasks in your business opening preparation plan? Part 2

From the previous blog post, you already know the difference between goals and tasks. A goal is a state in the future – sort of like a photograph or the frame of a movie, while a task is an activity, an activity, an action toward achieving a goal. Today I’m going to write how to generate a list of tasks you should do even before you set up your business. I won’t write specific tasks, because it depends on what

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How do you set tasks in your business opening preparation plan? Part 1

What is the difference between goals and tasks? What activities should you do before you set up your business through the CEIDG portal or form a company? How do you link these tasks to goals? And finally: what is the point of all this before setting up a company – can’t you just set up a company and start running it? I often answer these and similar questions in meetings with young entrepreneurs or people who want to run their

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Why and how should tasks be delegated?

Written by: Florian Wierzchowski If you are a manager, a business owner and employ staff, then of course this topic is also most relevant. If you are a sole trader, have no employees and hence think that the topic of delegation is not for you, then I would like to lead you out of this mistake. Well, but what is delegation all about anyway? Delegation is nothing more than the skilful distribution to other people of the work needed to

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