What is a company’s mission statement and how do you determine it? Part 1

If you go back to the article from a few days ago about a company’s vision, you’ll see how useful it is to flesh out what you really want to achieve. One step further in detailing the dream is the mission statement. Most often we talk about the company’s mission, but there can also be a mission for a project or some larger undertaking within the company, sometimes called an SBU – strategic business unit. Let’s start with what a

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Why should you have a vision for your company?

Surely you have heard of such a thing as a company vision. Of course, you’ve heard that there is such a thing, that it would be appropriate to have one, to arrange it, to formulate it. Just what is it actually and why does anyone need such a “thing”? On top of that, we are often confused about the difference between vision and mission, and mission is confused with strategic goals, so let’s start from the beginning. Do you realize

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Why is it important to plan in business? The principle of two inverted triangles

Author: Florian Wierzchowski As you can see, I’m not posing the question at all – whether you should plan in business, because of course you should, and to the best of your ability. Here I want to give you reasons why it is worth it. Although it is possible to act and achieve goals without planning, it will be a short business or full of surprises and crises. As in the life of any person, even those not involved in

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