To what extent do managerial tools influence the managerial actions taken by managers? Part 1

Every measuring instrument slightly distorts the measurement. This is fairly obvious to any electronics engineer, I learned this in my 1st year of college. Therefore, when constructing online managerial tools on the platform, I kept this principle in mind and designed them in such a way that they affect the manager’s activities as little as possible. How did I achieve this effect? Here I will present my approach to what every manager does. I have written many times that

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How to find out what a manager really does? Part 4

In the previous post, I described how a measurement tool that records managerial activities works. Let me remind you – it measures successive states of resources (primary organizational terms) over time, which change due to processes (derivative organizational terms) initiated by the manager and his team. But the question arises: where to mount these measuring tools to capture what the manager is really doing? Laboratory conditions could only be used to a limited extent – the measurement error in relation

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