How to divide the time of planning and operation of the company when writing a business plan?

Often budding entrepreneurs ask me how to divide the time from the business idea, to writing the business plan, to opening the company and then running it for… here the term “indefinitely” falls most often… How to plan the time from today to, say, 3 years from now, taking into account all the necessary steps that have to happen and that I myself have to do in order to achieve what I intend? Whenever I advise people who want to

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Do you have the aptitude to run your own business?

When you think about starting your own business, ideas probably come to mind about what products or services you will sell and how much money you will make from it. This is usually the first association and vision of your, at least professional, future. However, starting and running your own business involves a complete change in your lifestyle, not just your job or income level. In this post, I will introduce you to what I believe are the 3 most

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