What do I think about ChatGPT’s artificial intelligence?

In my previous two blog posts, I described why ChatGPT cannot act as an artificial manager. My conclusions are only based on its current, free version 3.5. What the future will show, we shall see. However, the obstacles to ChatGPT being an artificial manager are fundamental and relate to the lack of a coherent ontology of organizational reality and the knowledge of the manager’s work drawn by the chat mechanism only from books and the Internet, not the real activities

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Why can’t you make an artificial manager with ChatGPT?

In a previous blog post, I described how ChatGPT works and what the ability to analyze and then synthesize text gives us. I summed up the entry by saying that you can’t make a robot manager from ChatGPT, because this mechanism still doesn’t know what a human manager actually does, and actually has no way to find out based on encyclopedic knowledge. Today I will write more about it. Despite the fact that the capabilities of the GPT-based chatbot amaze

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Will we make ChatGTP an artificial manager?

In recent months, there has been a lot of talk about the effects of the technology developed by OpenAI, which led to the creation of ChatGPT-4. The tremendous success of this project has opened the eyes of many proponents of the development of artificial intelligence, that it can threaten many social processes, impersonate real people and create artificial, media entities that change the functioning of societies and even groups of the state. Since this is such a promising technology, I

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How to represent on a graph what a manager really does? Part 2

In a previous blog post, I presented an example of how graph theory can be used for two simple managerial activities – setting goals and defining tasks. Today, I’ll continue this thread and show more details from the same experiment I recorded using TransistorsHead.com’s online managerial tool. The experiment consisted of assigning managers to 3 groups of students in those groups, and each group was to prepare a plan for a small project, consisting of goals and tasks. All of

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How to represent on a graph what a manager really does? Part 1

If you are a manager, you may have once tried to write down what you do. How did you write it down? In the form of a list of activities? A Gantt schedule or a critical path drawing? Perhaps yet another way. However, to illustrate the activities of a manager and his team for the purpose of work automation, the method of drawing directed graphs is most suitable. I’ll introduce you to this method below, and you can read my

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