How to use Assessment Center for candidates? Part 3

HR consultants emphasize that Assessment Centre participants usually have to compete among themselves for a single vacancy. This creates motivation to complete tasks to the best of their ability on the one hand, and on the other hand can have a stressful effect on those who are less active and open-minded. There is also time pressure during the session, as all the goals set for the participants must be achieved as quickly as possible. The participants’ form can also be

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How to use Assessment Center for candidates? Part 2

Assessment Center participants are evaluated by several assessors during specially prepared tasks and simulation tests. This team of experts usually includes a psychologist or sociologist, a specialist in the industry in which the company operates and the direct superior of the future employee. The assessors observe the behavior of the candidates as they perform the tasks of each session, and then work together to develop a combined assessment of each participant’s competence. For both the employer and the employee, an

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How to use Assessment Center for candidates? Part 1

Searching for an employee is not limited to finding matching candidates, reading a resume, cover letter and a simple interview. Often, to find an employee, it is a good idea to use an Assessment Center. This form of meeting with candidates is used especially by large companies that have developed their own standards for finding employees in the past. It is also the most expensive form of recruitment, so the very invitation to take part in it is an honor

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Commission or piecework? Part 2

The remuneration of each employee can be paid in one of five forms: time-based, piecework, bonus, task-based and commission-based. The time-based form, which was the most popular until recently, involves compensating the company’s employees based on working time. Despite the obvious disadvantages of such a system of motivation for the employer – the lack of a link between the commitment and skills of the employee and the results of his work and his salary – this way of shaping salaries

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Commission or piecework? Part 1

In order to avoid conflicts due to differences in wages, companies establish criteria for rewarding employees and use different forms of calculating salaries. Is it true, then, that the higher the salary, the greater the employee’s commitment to the tasks at hand was supposed to be? It used to be believed that one of the most important reasons for a person to start a career is money. Initial studies on labor productivity treated wages as a simple relationship – the

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