What was the book in my childhood that caused me to construct an artificial manager?

People who are passionate about something tell many stories from their childhood or youth in which they cite events, books, people that inspired their later professional life. I, too, have a few such moments. As for the book, there was only one. And perhaps I wouldn’t have even paid attention to it, if it hadn’t been for a certain person who, listening to my childhood story, said: it was you after all! That’s how it started! The book was written

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What are the levels of artificial intelligence to be applied to an artificial manager?

When I was a kid, I really wanted to build a robot that would drive around the house fetch objects, grab a ball or respond to spoken words. All these abilities were absolutely beyond the reach of home electronics and mechanics. I built electronics from a schematic from the Young Technician magazine, and mechanics from LEGO bricks. At that time there was no Internet or cell phones, not to mention Google or Apple assistants. Several decades have passed, and today

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How did we recognize the behavioral patterns of managers before the ChatGPT era?

In a previous post, I showed a lecture by Prof. Michael Wooldridge of The Alan Turing Institute on the development of data analysis methods for artificial intelligence. Not so long ago, 7 years ago, a team from Siegen University and I analyzed the behavior of managers using classical pattern recognition methods, and it was very effective. I will briefly describe the research we conducted and recorded the behavior of managers using TransistorsHead.com’s managerial tools. We involved 150 volunteers in the

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How did artificial intelligence evolve from pattern recognition to ChatGPT?

The Alan Turing Institute has extremely interesting videos on its YouTube channel about artificial intelligence and the development of computing techniques. One such video is a lecture by Professor Michael Wooldridge, who shows the path of development from pattern recognition, a method that has been evolving since the 1980s, to the current technology of language models, of which ChatGPT is a representative. The lecture is extremely interesting, as we will learn from it how images are recognized and why pattern

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Have you seen the amazing humanoid robots that don’t look like humans at all, but perform the same actions?

Lately, I’ve been believing more and more that an artificial manager will look like a human, move like a human, and maybe one day you won’t be able to distinguish it from your former boss at all. When I conducted experiments with students in 2021, led by an artificial manager built from my TransistorsHead.com system, the manager on the screen looked like the one in Figure 1. Figure 1. TransistorsHead.com’s artificial manager interface In Figure 1, in the right left

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