What are the most offbeat management tools in robot manager software? Part 1

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Many stories begin with: a long, long time ago… And I’ll start telling this story that way too. A long, long time ago, when there was no Instagram yet, and Google maps led travelers mostly into the middle of a lake, I started working on managerial tools that would complement existing managerial techniques with which managers (knowing them or just applying them intuitively) solve organizational problems.

The idea was simple and I later described it in detail in the concept of organizational size layout. If a person uses a managerial tool (in online form), which is so that he can perform some managerial technique to solve a problem, and we record this with an information system, then we have the material from which we can create an artificial manager.

In this and the next post I will present some, in my opinion, of the most offbeat managerial tools that I have not yet created within the TransistorsHead.com system, but are waiting to be implemented. Some require technology that no one has invented yet, but some are just waiting for my free time….

In this post, I will list the online management tools that an artificial manager will use, which are based on a management method or technique, not on the history of events (characteristics of a person). Don’t judge whether these tools are feasible and how to make them – we’ll think about that later. The point about them is that they solve organizational problems that a human manager encounters, so an artificial manager must also have them. They are:

The boss translator: a superior-subordinate translator, working both ways in such a way that the boss formulates the goal or command, and the subordinate can specify the words and create a glossary of the matter (task).

Decision allocator: the manager alone or together with others determines what decisions on the matter will be made by him or employees, can remind that it is not, however, the decision-making field of the person, decision-making authority can be added or changed.

Time estimator: a device for estimating the execution time of an activity based on the history of similar events, the opinion of process participants or your own thoughts. Ability to send estimated tasks for consultation, combine with brainstorming with the question “what can happen”, calculate basic statistical quantities and imaging of the process, assess the probability of meeting the intended time.

Company constructor: a tool for building an organizational structure, combined with a job description, available to all employees, with the ability to ask who does what, advising on the choice of the shape of the structure and naming the given designed structure.

Culture builder: a tool for designing organizational culture assumptions based on the theoretical pillars of organizational culture.

Oracular express: a tool with which we change an employee’s attitude towards performing certain activities in terms of, for example, safety, reliability, punctuality, depending on what habits we want to change.

Some of the above tools may seem like a fairy tale to you, but I assure you that it’s just a matter of an idea of how to build such a tool and then how to implement it online. If you would like to get access to similar online tools on the http://transistorshead.com/ platform, email me.

In my next post I will show ideas for tools based on the history of events resulting from the work of a human manager.